Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Brafree hillbilly : MIDIY controller pt. III

First boot, flawless victory.  Each button results in the desired ASCII characters, (numpad 1 - 7)

in this slide you'll see twist ties
Ignore the twist ties.

+power switch rewired finally

+jerk knot in placed notch

-the serious longest part is making a bottom case piece for this hot mother.

and, apparently, getting glovepie to do as i command.

two days later....

Emulates an infinite number of output signals and stuff.  Runs scripts to (for my purposes) accept numpad1 - numpad7 and connect to MIDIOX as a virtual MIDI output.

*Midi input / output monitor, GUI routing, signal generation, the jesus christ of MIDI.  Helped me diagnose bade glovepie code and troubleshoot inputs / outputs via real time monitoring of MIDI traffic.

Necessary for the whole tube steak to fornicate.  Gives glovepie a (virtual) midi in / out to target after specifying the stimuli required to make.

After googling around for a while I found enough glovepie script to get everything to function with no interference.  Or none that I've noticed.

Midiox setup
I forgot to save my log from this morning, 
when I got everything working.  
Before I ran to slave wage.  

Picture is of proper setup, all the log did was display how many trials it took me to realize how simple the whole thing had to be.  

midi yoke1 (or whatever input you're midi mutating) is set as an input port, and sent to the eleven rack.  That's it.
i had the midiox signal generatior set up to troubleshoot and diagnose the spaghetti butt fuck i visualized.
midiox also detected the eleven rack banks and channels, or it simply had native bank/channel integration.  either way i'm fucking impressed.

Glovepie script

//code breakdown
*Code shown as is from the last second I wrote a functioning line FUCK

debug = midi.OutDevName - displays emulated midi output specified by line 2
midi.DeviceOut=2 - emulated midi output--device numbers are listed under a dropdown
swallow(numpad1) - swallow allows glovepie to take exclusive control of specified keys r whtvr
midi.channel1.Control36 = Keyboard.NUMPAD3/127 - midi.channel1.control36 (output signal, spec'd channel, cc for eleven rack control, desired input, 127 being ON pos for CC number.  0 being off.

So when I push button 3 on the foot controller, it turns 11R reverb on and off.  Or just off, over and over.  glovepie allows for conditional statements and stupid functional shit allowing for ifthen and wait and .... whatever.
Since the buttons are seriously old, being constructed as a spring loaded short circuit, I want to disable multiple triggers with a sustained press of the input buttons.  Liek when you fall asleep on the keyboard and it types a bunch of yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
we wish to avoid the flickering.


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